Friday, July 29, 2016

Spoutable Ads Are a Class of its Own – Appealing, Impressive and Practical Ads

I discovered Spoutable Ads by chance when I stumbled upon an online magazine called on the internet. I can’t remember what I was searching for but a Google keyword search led me to the site. What caught my eye even before I browsed the site was the nice and impressive interstitial ads in front of me in the form of native ads. Now I have seen native ads (e.g. RevContent, Taboola, Ayboll) on thousands of websites but they are nowhere close to the appeal of Spoutable Ads.

Interstitial Native Ads - Entry Point

Whoever is behind the design of Spoutable Ads took some time to produce something that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, not an eyesore that you are used to on other sites. They say native ads are the future because they don’t distract the user and they are not affected by “banner blindness” – literally, a phenomenon where website visitors ignore Ads due to the fact that they get used to them and therefore learn not to click anything that looks like an Ad. However, when you are a regular visitor to a specific site that uses native ads, for example an entertainment site, you will begin to notice that most recommendations or related posts are actually links to sponsored sites. Next time when you visit the site, you will learn not to click the recommended posts, especially the hyped ones, so I think native ads are also affected to some extent by “banner blindness” which you might call native ads blindness in this case.

Why do people ignore native ads? There are many reasons why people will ignore recommended posts:

Aesthetic Appeal

One of the reasons why people ignore native Ads is that they are not appealing. You can blame this on the Ad Network that doesn’t put much effort in this department. Native ads are not banners that are self-designed by the advertiser, so the task of presentation is left to the Adnetwork as well as the technology that the adnetwork uses. The advertiser has no control over presentation except for the featured image that is used in the recommended post.

Top Horizontal Bar Native Ads

Blending and Harmony

You may have noticed and ignored a recommended post because it didn’t look the part. These are ads that don’t blend well with your theme or they are just not sophisticated enough to avoid shouting out “hey I am a sponsored ad”. Sponsored ads should not be easily detected apart from native content but they should look like a part of the family or some welcome guest.

Font and Size

Whether you believe it or not, the type of font that is used in an Ad can affect the reaction of visitors to the site. It is the designer’s goal to experiment with font that is easy on the eyes, something not too harsh, not attention-seeking, not too big but definitely not too small, not eye-straining nor weak. If you are turned off by extraordinary font or struggling to read a word, then the designer has failed to meet the objectives of a good Ad.

Bottom Horizontal Bar Native Ads


The type of color that is used in an Ad presentation can affect the viewer in ways that you would never think of. Just like font, colors must be easy on the eyes. Colors should not be a turn-off, they shouldn’t distract or dazzle the users. Neither should they be somber, gloomy nor boring.

Ad Serving Technology

Adserving technology plays a huge role in influencing the behavior of Ads as well as the behavior of the person interacting with the Ad. If a company understands the power of Adservers, then they will not rely on third party servers which are owned by outsiders but they will develop their own proprietary adserving technology that will change the game in the industry. Conversion rates depend on a lot of factors, some which are dependent on the advertiser’s copy, but in some cases, it is the adserving technology that makes the difference. A powerful adserver will give a positive experience to both the advertiser and publisher.


Companies which move ahead are the creative ones. Creativity in the adserving process, design and presentation will determine the reputation of an Ad Network.If Ads bring a positive experience to users and desired results to both advertiser and publisher, then the company is moving in the right direction. In this case, creativity should be focused on maximizing returns for advertisers, maintaining high CPMs for publishers and pleasing site visitors with Ads that are in sync with their intents. It’s not only intents that matter but people should fall in love with the creative interaction that is smooth, amazing, unobstructive and compatible.

To sign up for Spoutable Ads as a Publisher or Advertiser, Click Here >> SIGN UP

Spoutable Ads have one of the fastest approval process. Soon after signing up, you can start using their code which they will send to your email.

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