Sunday, July 31, 2016

3 Types of Native Ads Offered By Spoutable

Spoutable Ad Units

If you are wondering how Native Ads by Spoutable look like on your website, then this article will assist you in getting an idea.Spoutable Ads are premium Ads that don’t look like ordinary Ads. If you are familiar with popular websites that receive millions of page views per month, you may have noticed Ads that look different from smaller websites. Big websites are often given a privilege to customize their Ads to increase click-through rates and conversions. These Ads are very effective because they are designed not to look like Ads so they are more likely to be viewed. Advertising technology experts believe that Native Ads are the future of advertising. The principle is that an Ad should not look like an Ad but it should be accepted as part of the content and it should be relevant or at least engaging to the audience that it comes in contact with.

This is what Native Ads are all about, engaging visitors and helping them find related content that might be of interest to them. The most important aspect is that Ads should not get in the way of visitors but instead they should provide a positive experience.

Spoutable Ads can integrate smoothly and harmoniously with any website. When the user decides to exit a page, they go in sync with the user’s intent of discovering interesting content. They are perfectly designed to fit in with a website because they are not Ads. The user goes from content to content, consuming nothing but content. The consumer will never meet a banner or billboard that stands in the way of natural navigation and exploration.

Currently, there are three types of Native Ads that can be activated by the publisher and optimized by the company’s advertising technology to increase earnings.

Interstitial Ads

Also called Overlay Ads, these are not your usual interstitials that block your way with a large banner or screaming billboard. Instead, they are Native Ads in the form of recommended posts. When people visit a non-commerce website, they are not looking to buy something but they are looking for content to consume. This is true for news, entertainment, technology and information websites. A recommended post is something that readers will appreciate and a display banner is something that people will frown at.

Horizontal Bars

Horizontal bars are a creative way to show recommended posts. Once again these are not banners or text ads that take you to a promotional landing page, but they take you to another post that you might be interested in. There are two types of bars offered by Spoutable, the top and bottom bars. The sponsored posts on these bars are shown with a title and thumbnail image or as a row of images.

Top Horizontal Bar

Bottom Horizontal Bar

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